Electric Water-bath Stunner for Poultry

In-line electrified water tank for stunning poultry before slaughter and bloodletting. Indispensable equipment for automated poultry processing plants. The stunning operation is mechanised to increase throughput of birds. Poultry are manually unloaded from their crates and suspended by their legs on a moving shackle line.

After being allowed time to settle, several birds are conveyed into a water bath where their heads are submerged, completing an electrical circuit and causing stunning. To aid animal welfare, the sloped entry ramp allows birds to swing into water-bath in one smooth motion.

From a welfare point of view, the stun-kill is favoured as it removes the risk of birds regaining consciousness during or after neck-cutting. However, some plants prefer stun-only policy to prevent possible carcass damage, followed by neck-cutting. In this case, trained staff should then check that all birds are unconscious and insensible when they emerge from the stunner before neck-cutting.

Water Stunner Machine Specs:

  • Stun time: 3~10s
  • Frequency conversion electric stunning
  • Insulated fibreglass water tank
  • Input supply voltage: 380V
  • Output voltage: Adjustable depending on type of poultry (DC 0~100V)
  • Output frequency: 500~1200Hz
  • Output current: 0~800mA
  • Output current intensity: <0.5A
  • Approximate L x W x H: 1,900 x 480 x 1,700

Model MS-DYJ Category Line


Electrically stunning poultry has many benefits if you are using the right equipment, but also risks if not done correctly. Please choose the right equipment from a trusted seller, and ensure your staff are properly trained to achieve the benefits and avoid the risks:


when using the best equipment and training


if using inferior equipment or done incorrectly

Efficiency: Electrical stunning is a quick and efficient method. It renders birds unconscious rapidly, allowing for smoother processing on the production line. High voltage or prolonged stunning can result in blood spots on the meat. These spots are undesirable and affect the quality of the final product.
Uniform Stun: When properly applied, electrical stunning ensures consistent results across all birds. This uniformity improves overall product quality. Improper electrical stunning can lead to broken bones in poultry. When the current is too high or not properly applied, it can cause fractures, especially in the wings and legs.
Reduced Stress: Achieving the right stun depth is crucial. Properly stunned birds experience less stress during processing. Reduced stress can positively impact meat quality and welfare. The process of stunning itself can be stressful for the birds. If not done carefully, it can cause fear and anxiety, affecting the overall welfare of the animals. If the stun is too shallow, birds may regain consciousness during processing.
Improved Worker Safety: Compared to manual methods, electrical stunning reduces the risk of injury to workers handling live birds. There’s a risk of electrocution for workers handling the equipment. Proper equipment safety measures are essential to prevent accidents.
Low cost of ownership and small footprint Our water tank is space-saving, and energy-efficient.

Remember that proper training, equipment maintenance, and adherence to guidelines are crucial to minimize risks when using an electrical water-bath stun system.

Additional information

Dimensions 190 × 48 × 170 cm

Stun & Slaughter

Parts & Accessories